Location | Action| Object | Time
Cmd-1 | Enter | | 1
geth --goerli removedb
Cmd-1 - Remove ... | Enter | y | 3
Cmd-1 | Enter | | 10
geth --goerli --syncmode "light" --rpc console
Cmd-1 / Geth | Enter | | 20
Cmd-1 / Geth | Enter | | 26
Cmd-2 | Enter | | 35
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{""method"":""web3_clientVersion"",""id"":67}" http://localhost:8545
Cmd-2 | Enter | | 45
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{""method"":""eth_blockNumber"",""id"":67}" http://localhost:8545
Chrome | Enter | https://stats.goerli.net/ | 57
Cmd-1 / Geth | Enter | | 165
Cmd-2 | Enter | | 169
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{""method"":""eth_blockNumber"",""id"":67}" http://localhost:8545
Cmd-2 | Copy | {output} | 178
Cmd-2 | Enter | hex2dec | 183
Cmd-2 | Paste | {output} | 184
The goal is to load a local copy of a (test) blockchain and communicate with it via a RPC call.
The goerli chain is loaded with the Geth software. This is a small test chain so it loads fast.
Chrome and 2 cmd windows are started
Geth is installed
Hex2dec is installed
Curl is installed