Location | Action| Object | Time Chrome | Enter | | 0 https://ethereum-play.github.io/editor-solidity/ Chrome(new tab) | Enter | | 14 https://github.com/web3examples/ethereum/tree/master/non_fungible_tokens web3examples / ethereum / non_fungible_tokens | Click | | 17 VeryBasicNFT.sol ... / VeryBasicNFT.sol | Click | Raw | 19 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/... | Copy | { Source } | 24 Chrome (tab editor..) | Paste | { Source } | 28 EIP721 - _name field | Enter | WEB3EXAMPLES| 47 EIP721 - _symbol field | Enter | W3E | 50 EIP721 | Click | Publish | 52 Right pane - name | Click | Arrow | 87 Right pane - symbol | Click | Arrow | 93
The goal is to deploy a basic ERC721 contract.
The source of an ERC721 contract is copied and deployed.
Metamask installed and some Eth on Rinkeby account. Chrome is started and Rinkeby is selected in Metamask.