Location | Action| Object | Time
Chrome | Enter | | 5
Chrome(new tab) | Enter | | 17
Chrome (tab raw..) | Copy | { Source } | 25
Chrome (tab editor..) | Paste | { Source } | 30
TempOracleContract | Click | Publish | 43
updatePrice | Click | Arrow | 86
strLastLog | Click | Arrow | 115
temp | Click | Arrow | 145
updatePrice | Click | Arrow | 155
strLastLog | Click | Arrow | 171
priceOfUrl | Click | Arrow | 184
priceOfUrl - 4058141225035610 | Copy | { Number } | 187
updatePrice - value | Paste | { Number } | 194
updatePrice | Click | Arrow | 199
strLastLog | Click | Arrow | 217
temp | Click | Arrow | 270
The goal is to test the Provable Oracle service, by doing a HTTP request to get the temperature.
The test contract is deployed and temperature is retrieved.
The second time the temperature is retrieved it turns out there is not sufficient ETH.
After supplying ETH retrieving works again.
Note1: sometimes a little extra ETH is required to get the transaction through.
Note2: the network used is Goerli
Metamask installed and at least 0.1 Eth on Goerli account. Chrome is started.