Location | Action| Object | Time Chrome | Enter | play.ethereum.org | 2 https://playproject.io/ | Click | Solidity editor | 4 https://ethereum-play.github.io/editor-solidity/ | Delete| {all text } | 8 https://ethereum-play.github.io/editor-solidity/ | Paste | | 9 // Verify code from https://ethereum-play.github.io/editor-solidity/ on etherscan: // Check tab output.json, notice the compiler version and optimizer:true pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.7.0; contract TestPublish { string public MyName="Test publication to Etherscan"; function SetMyName(string calldata _MyName) external { MyName = _MyName; } } https://ethereum-play.github.io/editor-solidity/ | Click | Publish | 12 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm | 17 Chrome - TestPublish - MyName | Click | Arrow | 39 Chrome - TestPublish - SetMyName field | Enter | Test via play | 44 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm | 58 Chrome | Click | Fox icon | 69 Chrome - TestPublish - MyName | Click | Arrow | 142 Chrome | Click | Fox icon | 148 MetaMask popup - Contract Interaction | Click | Contract Interaction | 150 MetaMask popup - Contract Interaction - Details | Click | Arrow | 152 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x55b... | Click | Contract | 165 Chrome - Etherscan - Contract Tab | Click | Verify and Publish | 167 Etherscan - Please select Compiler Type dropdown | Select| Solidity (Single file) | 173 Etherscan - Please select Compiler Version dropdown | Select| v0.5.10+commit.5a6ea5b1 | 190 Etherscan - Please select Open Source... dropdown | Select| MIT Licence(MIT) | 194 Etherscan - Contract Source Code - Optimization | Select| Yes | 212 Etherscan - Enter the Solidity Contract Code below | Enter | | 217 // Verify code from https://ethereum-play.github.io/editor-solidity/ on etherscan: // Check tab output.json, notice the compiler version and optimizer:true pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.7.0; contract TestPublish { string public MyName="Test publication to Etherscan"; function SetMyName(string calldata _MyName) external { MyName = _MyName; } } Etherscan - I'm not a robot | Click | & follow captcha | 224 Etherscan | Click | Verify and Publish | 242 Etherscan - Successfully generated Bytecode and ABI | Click | {contract address} | 259 Etherscan - Section Transactions/Contract/Events | Click | Read Contract | 271 Etherscan - Section Transactions/Contract/Events | Click | Write Contract | 278 Etherscan - SetMyName / field _MyName | Enter | via etherscan | 282 Etherscan - SetMyName | Click | Write | 286 Popup - Please connect to your Web3 provider | Click | Ok | 289 Etherscan - Write Contact Tab | Click | Connect to Web3 | 291 Popup - Please take note that this a beta version.. | Click | Ok | 296 Etherscan - SetMyName | Click | Write | 299 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm | 304 Chrome - Tabs (above) | Click | Tab play-editor | 346 Chrome - TestPublish - MyName | Click | Arrow | 348 Chrome - Tabs (above) | Click | Tab Ropsten Accounts... | 353 Etherscan - Code/Read Contract/Write Contract | Click | Read Contract | 355 Etherscan - Read Contract Information | Click | Reset | 357
The goal is to transfer eth between a contract and a user address
A small contract is created with play ethereum and interacted with. - Transfer 0.123 eth from metamask to contract - Pay 0.222 eth to contract - Request (0.1) eth from contract - Transfer (0.10 eth from contract to own address
Metamask installed and about 1 Eth on Ropsten account. https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x55bdf79860ca3a68d53171d3a3a2fa4696a16f61#code