Location | Action | Object | Time https://remix.ethereum.org - Home tabindex | Click | X | 1 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Enter | | 10 remix.loadurl("https://github.com/web3examples/ethereum/solidity_examples/Casino.sol") Remix - File Explorers - github | Click | web3examples | 11 Remix - File Explorers - github | Click | ethereum | 13 Remix - File Explorers - github | Click | remix_examples | 14 Remix - File Explorers - github | Right-click | Casino.sol | 15 Remix - File Explorers - github | Click | Copy to Browser explorer | 16 Remix - File Explorers - browser | Click | Casino.sol | 18 Remix - Left toolbar | Click | Solidity compiler icon | 31 Remix - Solidity Compiler - black bar | Click | Compile ballot.sol | 35 Remix - Left toolbar | Click | Deploy & run transactions | 41 Remix - Deploy & run transactions - Value | Enter | 12 | 44 Remix - Deploy & run transactions - orange bar| Click | Deploy | 50 Remix - Deployed contracts - grey bar | Click | ">" icon | 54 Remix - Deployed contracts - 1st blue bar | Click | getBankBal.. | 58 Remix - Deployed contracts - orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 62 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Click | {transaction} | 72 Remix - Value | Enter | 15 | 86 Remix - Deployed contracts - orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 88 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Click | {transaction} | 92 Remix - Value | Enter | 5 | 96 Remix - Deployed contracts - orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 100 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Click | {transaction} | 107 Remix - Deployed contracts - 1st blue bar | Click | getBankBal.. | 111 Remix - Value | Enter | 5 | 116 Remix - Deployed contracts - orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 118 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Click | {transaction} | 120 Remix - Deployed contracts - 1st blue bar | Click | getBankBal.. | 129 Remix - Value | Enter | 5 | 131 Remix - Deployed contracts - orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 135 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Click | {transaction} | 137 Remix - Deployed contracts - 1st blue bar | Click | getBankBal.. | 143 Remix - Value | Enter | 5 | 149 Remix - Deployed contracts - orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 151 Remix - Command windows (lower right) | Click | {transaction} | 155 Remix - Deployed contracts - 1st blue bar | Click | getBankBal.. | 160
Use remix to run a smart contract with an in browser blockchain.
Remix contains an in browser blockchain which is used by default. A smart contract is loaded from github. The smart contact implements a casino where you can bet on an coin, with 50% win and 50% loose odd. When you win you get back twice as much as you bet. When you loose, you loose your bet. After the contract is deployed first 2 faulty scenario's are shown: a bet with no money used to bet and a bet with more money than the bank has. Afterwards a few rounds are played until you win.
Chrome is started and remix is opened with plugins enabled.