Location | Action | Object | Time https://remix.ethereum.org | Load & Compile | | 1 remix.loadurl("https://github.com/web3examples/ethereum/solidity_examples/Casino.sol") Chrome | Click | Fox icon | 33 Remix - left toolbar | Click | Deploy & run transactions | 36 Remix - Deploy & run - Environment Dropdown | Select | Injected Web3 | 38 MetaMask popup | Click | Connect | 45 Remix - Value | Enter | 125 | 49 Remix - Orange bar | Click | Deploy | 53 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm | 58 Remix - Value | Enter | 5 | 94 Remix - 2nd Orange bar | Click | betAndWin | 99 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm | 104 Remix - 2nd Blue bar | Click | getBankBal | 130
Use remix to deploy on Rosten with MetaMask.
A smart contract is loaded and compiled. The "Injected Web3" enviroment is selected, which used MetaMask. In MetaMask the Ropsten testnetwork is selected. Now the deployment of the contract will deploy it on Ropsten.
Chrome is started and remix is opened with plugins enabled. Casino.sol contains a sample contract.