Location | Action | Object | Time
https://remix.ethereum.org | Load & Compile | | 1
Remix - left toolbar | Click | Solidity Document Generator | 24
Remix - Solidity Document Generator | Click | Casino Documentation | 27
Popup - Permission needed for File manager | Click | Remember this choice | 35
Popup - Permission needed for File manager | Click | Accept | 37
Popup - blue box: solidityDocsMd is ... | Click | Accept | 42
Remix - left toolbar | Click | File explorers | 46
Remix - File Explorers | Click | Casino.doc.md | 48
Remix - File Explorers | Click | Casino.doc | 60
Use remix to generate Natspec documentation.
A smart contract is loaded and compiled.
The documentation is generated.
Chrome is started and remix is opened with plugins enabled.
Casino.sol contains comments formatted in the Natspec format.