Location | Action | Object | Time Chrome - address bar | Change | https=>http | 8 https://remix.ethereum.org | Load & Compile | | 22 remix.loadurl("https://github.com/web3examples/ethereum/remix_examples/Casino.sol") Remix - left toolbar | Click | Deploy & run transactions | 72 Remix - Deploy & run - Environment Dropdown | Select | Injected Web3 | 81 Remix - Value | Enter | 125 | 89 Remix - Orange bar | Click | Deploy | 94 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm | 99 Remix - Value | Enter | 5 | 147 Remix - 2nd Orange bar | Click | betAndWin {multiple times} | 149 MetaMask popup | Click | Confirm {multiple times} | 104 Remix - command window | Click | Debug | 260 Remix - Casino.sol | Click | { Multiple line numbers } | 270 Remix - Debugger | ClickJump | Jump to the next breakpoint { Multiple times } | 285
Use remix to debug gas issues on Ropsten.
The HTTP version of remix is selected, because debugging on Ropsten requires this. A smart contract is loaded and compiled. A couple of transactions are done until an error occurs. The debugger is used to figure out the gas usage.
Chrome is started and remix is opened with plugins enabled.