Location | Action| Object | Time
Command window 1 | Enter | ganache-cli | 2
Command window 3 | Enter | wscurl ws://localhost:8545 | 10
Command window 3 | Enter | {"id": 1, "method": "eth_subscribe", "params": ["newHeads"]} | 18
Command window 1 | Scroll| {Available Accounts} | 24
Command window 1 | Copy | {Account 0} | 28
Command window 2 | Enter | set account= | 30
Command window 2 | Paste | {Account 0} {Enter} | 35
Command window 1 | Scroll| {End of text} | 38
Command window 2 | Paste | curl -d "{""method"":""eth_sendTransaction"",""params"":{""from"":""%account%"",""to"":""%account%"",""value"":""0x1""}}" http://localhost:8545 | 50
The goal is see how publications work.
The software ganache-cli is started.
The wscurl is used to open a websocket. A command is entered to subscribe to new blocks.
In a third window a transaction is send (send 1 eth from the first available account to itself).
As you can see the subscription shows an update when a new block is created.
Node.js is installed, which includes npm
Ganache-cli is installed.
wscurl is installed.
curl is installed.
Three cmd windows are open.